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...and Reuse of Periyar Sedimented Soil Using Nanochemicals
来自 : www.researchgate.net/publicati 发布时间:2021-03-25
HomeSedimentologyPhysical GeographyGeographyGeoscienceSedimentsChapterTreatment and Reuse of Periyar Sedimented Soil Using NanochemicalsJanuary 2021DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-8151-9_4In book: Current Trends in Civil Engineering (pp.35-43)Authors:

\"B.B. Diya

\"AnnAnn Mary Mathew

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Request full-textDownload citation Copy link Link copied Request full-text Download citation Copy link Link copiedTo read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the authors.References (8)AbstractSevere floods affected the South Indian state of Kerala on 8 August 2018. The overflow of Periyar River resulted in large losses during and after the flood. Aftereffects of flood were severe. There were no available land or proper method to dispose the sediment dredged waste. Also it caused a large destruction to the pavements in the surrounding area of the river due to overflow. Pot holes developed due to the ingression of water into the subgrades. It demands huge amount of money for the repair of these pavements as well as to dispose the waste collected from various buildings. So in order to utilise the soil effectively and economically in an ecologically beneficial manner, we introduce a method for the proper treatment and reuse of these sedimented wastes as a suitable subgrade material. The soil treated with the nanochemicals can be used as a subgrade for pavement construction. The nanochemicals used were Zycobond and terrasil from Zydex Industries. These chemicals were added in various percentages such as 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09 and 0.1% to obtain optimum dosage.


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Request full-text PDFCitations (0)References (8)ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.Comparative Study and Laboratory Investigation of Soil Stabilization Using Terrasil and Zycobond: Select Proceedings of ICSCBM 2018ChapterJan 2019Afreen Abulkasim Mulla

\"GovindarajaGovindaraja GupthaSoil in its natural state may not always be suitable to support structures, thus raising the need for its stabilization. It is the process of altering the soil’s chemical and physical properties to improve its engineering properties. Literature review indicates nanotechnology is the latest upgrade in soil stabilization. In this investigation, the behaviour of lateritic soil with stabilizers was studied. The study area includes a road which is required to be designed for very heavy vehicular traffic, with a load ranging from 75 to 85T. Added to the existing conditions, the road is exposed to heavy monsoon records to an extent of 3000–4000 mm every year. Several incidences made to realize that flexible pavements are not long lasting in such area due to the main problem of water percolation. It was decided by the authorities of Fomento Resources for construction of a rigid pavement, by stabilizing the soil in the study area. Terrasil along with cement and Zycobond was used to stabilize the soil. Addition of nanoparticles like Terrasil improves the geotechnical properties of the soil by altering the atomic structure of the soil. This paper gives an overview and comparative study of the physical and chemical properties, along with CBR and UCS of the soil and its stabilization by varying proportions of Terrasil (0.075%), Cement (1%) and Zycobond (0.075%). All tests were carried out as per standard procedures laid down in the respective Indian standard codes. Terrasil and Zycobond were used as per industry guidelines. The study concluded that the combination of Terrasil, Cement and Zycobond significantly increased the soil properties to a greater extent.ViewShow abstractStabilization of black cotton soil using terrasil and zycobondT RaghavendraB RohiniG DivyaS Abdul SharooqB KalyanbabuA study on geotechnical properties of expansive soil treated with rice husk ash and terrasilV Taranga Divija KalyaniA S BegumD S V PrasadG V R Prasada Rajusoil stabilization using terrasil, cement and flyashM GayathriP N SinghM G PrasanthA study on the effect of stabilizers (zycobond terrasil) on strength of subgrade on Bearing capacity of soilM S R RohithR Srinivasa KumarW PaulN KumaraswamyImprovement of soil properties using nonchemical-Terrasil: A reviewA K PandagreA RawatStrength characteristics of lateritic soil stabilized with terrasil and zycobond nanno chemicalsO S OlaniyanV O AjileyeEconomic analysis of flexible pavement by using subgrade soil stabilised with zycobond and terrasilM S R RohithN KumaraswamyR Srinivasa KumarP V S RaoRecommended publicationsDiscover more about: SedimentsArticleFull-text availableEinfluss von Witterung und Standortseigenschaften auf die Nitratbelastung des Grundwassers in einem...Andreas Schwarz

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\"EnriqueEnrique FucksR. HuarteJ. CarbonariA. FiginiLas condiciones paleoambientales de la región pampeana durante el Holoceno, generaron diferentes superficies de estabilización del paisaje, permitiendo la formación de suelos tanto en ambientes de la llanura marina costera como en ambientes continentales. El análisis de diferentes perfiles geológicos en cuatro localidades y sus áreas de influencia en el NE y E de la provincia de Buenos Aires, ... [Show full abstract] permitieron identificar eventos pedogenéticos ubicados entre circa 4.500 años AP - 3.500 años 14C AP y circa 1.700 años 14C AP, en ambientes de la llanura marina costera y eventos pedogenéticos en planicies de inundación, ubicados cronológicamente con posterioridad a los circa 8.500- 8.000 años 14C AP, finalizando 2.000 años 14C AP. La cronología radiocarbónica permitió también: 1) ubicar cronológicamente el tope de la depositación del Miembro Guerrero de la Formación Luján dentro del Holoceno temprano (circa 8.500 años 14C AP); 2) ubicar el lapso máximo de depositación del sedimento denominado aluvio actual, desde el Holoceno tardío (circa 2.500 años 14C AP) hasta los depósitos actuales donde se desarrolla un suelo muy incipiente; 3) datar eventos pedogenéticos dentro del aluvio actual en circa 1.700 años 14C AP; 4) estimar el retiro del máximo transgresivo del Holoceno y el comienzo de condiciones fluviales (circa 4.500 - 4.200 años 14C AP).View full-textArticleMarine sediment texture and distribution of seagrasses in the Gulf of Mannar Biosphere ReserveJanuary 2005T TnAngaradjou AndL KannanDistribution o f sencnsses with refcrcncc to scdimcnt texture tvac studied in nine different marine I(tcntinng nt ihe Gttlf of hlannar Biosphere Rer;ewe. It was found that the seagrasses v i z. EnEnhnflr~ rrcoro~rlrr. Tho!nsrru hempncllrr. Ilnlodrrlr spp. and Halophilo spp. prcfcmd ~ I I ty tn clnycy soil5 n hile C:nrnodmea spp and Svrin~od~rrm rswtifolturn preferred sandy soil for their grawT11. ... [Show full abstract] Thnuch some o f the stations suneyed rccordcd hieher silt and clay contents (suitable for the g r o ~ t h or many scngrasses), the seapms speclcs composition was not irnpressi\\c at thew tattons. It is therefore inferred that in a d d ~ t ~ o n to sediment characteristics, ot het phyrico-chemical characteristics are important in governing the occurrcncc and distribtttlon o f seapnsses.Read moreTechnical ReportThe SESR process : remediation of soils, sediments and sludgesJanuary 1995F. W. Meadus

\"AbdulAbdul Majid

\"FloydFloyd TollB. D. SparksRead moreChapterSpezielle Anwendungen: Abschnitte 10.3 – 10.4November 2005

\"BernhardBernhard Welz

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